Mission Ministries
MPCC Missions
Local and global missions are important to our church because they are important to Jesus! We actively serve and support missional efforts throughout the world. Through these efforts, we actively participate in fulfilling the Great Commission, sharing the hope of the gospel, and meeting the needs of others.
Below are our local and global partners:

Local Partnerships​
Minnesota Outpost Ministries
Reach Beyond
SPARKS through Orono School District
YWAM (Youth With a Mission)​
Love Inc
Praying Pelican Missions
Global Partnerships
Operation Christmas Child
Action International
C&MA (Christian & Missionary Alliance)
Door International (Deaf Opportunity Out Reach)
EMI (Engineering Ministries International)
International Students, Inc.
International Churches Ministry, Inc.
SEND International
SIM/ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International)
YWAM (Youth With a Mission)