Kids Ministry (Birth - 5th Grade)
Birth - 5th grade
At MPCC, our Kids Ministry exists to CONNECT kids with God, with each other, and others with God. We are committed to helping children grow in their faith, praying that they will be "rooted and built up in Christ, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness" (Colossians 2:7). Through fun, engaging lessons and meaningful relationships, we aim to build a strong foundation of faith for every child.

MPCC deeply desires to protect all children involved in our ministry, so we require all staff members and volunteers (age 15+) working with children or youth to complete five safety steps before ministry work or volunteer placement begins. These steps are: 1. An initial screening process including an application, interview, and references. 2. Complete sexual abuse awareness training through MinistrySafe. 3. Review and agree to MPCC’s “Child & Youth Protection Policies & Procedures” manual. 4. Complete a criminal background check (ages 18+). 5. Continued monitoring & oversight by staff and leadership. Upon completion of the first four steps above, the Children & Youth Safety Ministry Team will review the completed steps and determine if an applicant would be a good fit for serving in the children’s and youth ministry programs.
We have a secure check-in/check-out process for our kids' ministries. Staff or volunteers greeting you at the check-in table located in our children’s wing will be available to assist you.
Nursery care (birth - age 2) is provided on Sunday mornings during both 9am Connections Hour (September – June) and during the 10:15am Worship Service (year-round). Our Nursery provides a safe, nurturing environment for babies and toddlers, where they are cared for with love and attention. We offer age-appropriate care to introduce them to God’s love in a way they can begin to understand.
Sunday Mornings
Kids Connections Hour, our variation of “Sunday School”, meets at 9am on Sundays September through June (excluding various holidays, check the calendar!). Meeting in age-appropriate groups and using the D6 curriculum, Connections Hour focuses on applying God’s Word, biblical literacy, and apologetics, while providing resources for parents to encourage daily discipleship. Each session includes singing, a Bible lesson, and a craft, helping children grow in their faith and fostering meaningful conversations throughout the week. MPCC’s 10:15am Worship Service generally includes a brief Children’s Message mid-service. After this time, children are welcome to be dismissed during the worship service for Children's Church (pre-school ages 3 - 5) or K4J (Kindergarten – 5th Grade), where they can engage in age-appropriate teaching and activities. However, parents are welcome to keep their children with them in the service if they prefer. The choice is entirely up to the parents!
Wednesday Evenings
Roots is our Wednesday night program for kids (age 3 through Grade 5), which runs September through April. Following the community meal at 5:30pm, Roots meets from 6:30-7:30pm in our children's wing. Children are grouped by age to provide age-relevant lessons that encourage them to discover God’s truth for their lives. Rooted in Scripture, this program encourages Bible memorization and fosters group discussion to help kids grow in their faith. The Roots name comes from Colossians 2:7, as we pray our kids are “rooted and built up in Christ, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Roots is open to all children in the community!
MPCC Kid’s Ministry is led by our talented Director of Children’s Ministry, Stephanie Klaers and our dedicated Family Life Pastor, Phil Eidum. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Stephanie at sklaers@mapleplaincc.org or Pastor Phil at peidum@mapleplaincc.org MPCC is also blessed to have many committed volunteers in our Kids Ministries who help to create a loving, supportive environment where kids can grow in their faith and experience the love of Christ through their dedicated service and care.
Family Spaces
MPCC is a family-friendly church, and all children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary or lobby for the sermon during the service if you'd like to keep your children with you. There are activity bags in the lobby by the Welcome Table for you to grab for your children's use. The Fellowship Hall downstairs is also available as a family friendly viewing area where parents can view the service with their children. The Conference Room on the main level and the Children's Library upstairs are also available to be utilized as quiet/feeding rooms for parents and infants.